
House of Mirrors, Colored Pencil (and Panpastel), 100x70cm The idea behind this artwork is our perception of reality and how it is often filtered through our own world view and distorted truths. The mirrors within the house distort and fragment the world around us, creating a...

Jack, cat drawing Another tribute to a very special cat. Jack was our second super senior cat and passed away just one month after his buddy.  Once again this fairly large colored pencil drawing took longer than expected. I started this drawing in April 2022 and finally...

Colored Pencil, 70x50cm.   Streuner, the tuxedo cat This is my tribute to a very special cat. Streuner passed away in October 2021 at the ripe old age of at least 20. It took me quite a long time to finish it. I started in Novemver 2021 and finished...

Colored Pencil / Farbstift, 70x50cm.   Dreams is a part of the “Space In Between” Series.   Teil der Space In Between Serie....

Colored Pencil / Farbstift, 90x60cm.   This is my largest colored pencil drawing and it took about 280 hours to finish. I played around with the theme of „transitions“. In this case, who you were, who you are and who you will become. It is a part...

Colored Pencil / Farbstiftzeichnung, 35x25cm.   Mandarin duckling in a pond in Geneva, Switzerland. This duck species was accidentally introduced by man but has now established a breeding population in the wild, in this case Geneva.   Madarinenten-Küken in einem Teich in Genf, Schweiz. Es scheint, dass diese Entenspezies (versehentlich) in die...

Realistic Pencil Drawing / Realistische Bleistiftzeichnung, 50x40cm. Wynonna Earp is a quirky Canadian supernatural western TV show based on a comic book series. It's fun action packed show, inclusive and female driven with strong supporting characters. So here is my tribute to the complex badass main...

Colored Pencil / Farbstiftzeichnung, 70x50cm.   The theme of this artwork is merging with nature, therefore to be in harmony with nature. I used a double exposure effect, like it is done in photography, to realize this idea.   Das Thema dieses Werks ist die Verschmelzung mit der Natur,...

Colored Pencil / Farbstiftzeichnung, 70x50cm.   An experimental drawing, that caused me some headache.   Eine experimentelle Zeichnung, die mir einiges an Kopfschmerz beschert hat....

Colored Pencil / Farbstiftzeichnung, 50x40cm.   Zeinab, Colored Pencil Portrait Drawing   Zeinab, Portätzeichnung...