
Colored Pencil / Farbstiftzeichnung, 70x50cm.   Siberian tigers are one of the most majestic animals on this planet and critically endangered. I took the original picture in a zoo and decided to turn it into artwork.   Sibirische Tiger sind einer majestätischsten Tiere überhaupt und leider stark gefährdet. Das Originalfoto habe...

Graphite Pencil Drawing / Bleistiftzeichnung, 95x70cm.   This large size pencil drawing was inspired by a childhood memory. The original photo was taken by my dad while visiting a western town near Munich (Germany, 80s/90s). This impressive and dignified Sioux showed us how Native Americans used to...

Graphite Pencil Drawing / Bleistiftzeichnung, 35x25cm.   Fun fact: Some 15 years ago (2005) I tried out the „law of attraction“ (I'm still rational, don't worry). I asked for a healthy loving relationship or a very good alternative, if that's not possible currently. Shortly afterwards Streuner (meaning Stray)...

Graphite Pencil / Bleistift, 65x47cm.   Realistic pencil drawing of an old and a young woman. Someone sent a me this picture and I decided to turn this subject into a drawing.   Realistische Zeichnung einer alten und einer jungen Frau. Jemand hat mir ein Foto zu diesem Thema geschickt...

Colored Pencil Drawing / Farbstiftzeichnung, 30x21cm.   Close up of Gia Carangi (1960-1986). Her ability to express (authentic) emotions through a photography was rare.   Ihre Fähigkeit autentische Emotionen durch ein Fotos zu vermitteln war rar...

Graphite Pencil / Bleistift, 65x47cm.   Realistic pencil drawing of two of my favorite persons / beings.   Realistische Zeichnung von zwei meiner liebsten Personen....

Graphite Pencil Drawing / Bleistiftzeichnung, 35x25cm.   Drawing of Water in short exposure. Nature is always a fascinating subject to draw.   Zeichnung von Wasser in kurzer Belichtungszeit. Die Natur bietet immer faszinierende Motive zum Zeichnen....

Graphite Pencil Drawing / Bleistiftzeichnung, 35x25cm.   A portrait of my feline buddy. He was adopted by my family after the previous owner did not/ could not take care of him. He is the second cat that chose his forever home all by himself.   Eine Porträtzeichnung von Jack,...

Graphite Pencil Drawing / Bleistiftzeichnung, 42x32cm.   James Dean in East of Eden. His ability to convey emotions set him apart from the „masculine norms“ of his times.   James Dean in East of Eden. Seine Fähigkeiten Emotionen zu vermitteln setzt ihn vom männlichen Stereotyp seiner Zeit ab....

Graphite Pencil Drawing / Bleistiftzeichnung, 50x38cm.   Portrait of french model and actress Laetitia Casta. Her intense look, piercing eye contact, led me to draw this portrait.   Porträt von Laetitia Caste, einem französischen Model und Schauspielerin. Der intensive Blick und der durchstechende Augenkontakt, veranlassten mich zu dieser Zeichnung....