Space In Between Series

The Space In Between series captures fleeting moments when time feels suspended, offering a glimpse into the transition between dreams and reality. It embodies the energy of a “flow” state, where everything unfolds effortlessly and time seems to stand still.

Stardust Dreams - Realistic colored pencil drawing, colored pencil portrai
Stardust Dreams – Realistic Drawing with Colored Pencils on Black Paper

Stardust Dreams

70x50cm, Clored Pencil on Fabriano Black Paper

Behind the Scenes Blog

This artwork emerged from a meditation in which I saw a single eye before my inner vision. You can read the full story in the blog.

Eye Drawing
Eye Sketch for Stardust Dreams
Eye Drawing on Black Paper
Eye Sketch Drawing for Stardust Dreams

Storyboard for the Artwork, Eye Sketches 30x21cm

Hot Blooded Realistic Drawing
"Hot Blooded" Colored Pencil Drawing

Hot Blooded

70x50cm, Colored Pencil on Fabriano Artistico

Art workplace

The Story - Blog

Someone suggested I focus on images from a relaxed state, so I embarked on a journey to quiet my mind—this was the first vision that emerged. More in Blog...

Silhouette of Roller Skating Woman
Rollerskating woman at sunset.
Hands Colored Pencil Drawing
Hands Drawing (moterh & daughter) for Hot Blooded
Roller Skates Colored Pencil Drawing
Roller Skates Sketch for Hot Blooded

Hot Blooded Storyboard: Silhouette 40x30cm; Hands and Rollerskates 30x21cm